N.B: If you click on one of the images, it will pop up in a larger zoomed in display for you.

The Toolkit analysis and ongoing processing goes on the assumption that your Moodle site is configured with regularly running cron, as always recommended by Moodle HQ for production sites.

However, if you are using the Toolkit on a test site, this may not be the case. Instead, you may have to manually run cron to trigger the different parts of the processes.

There are five main scheduled tasks which deal with the toolkit processing of the analysis of the accessibility issues in HTML content.

These are found at Site administration > Server > Tasks > Scheduled tasks.

  1. Process bulk caching (\tool_brickfield\task\bulk_process_caches).
  2. Process bulk batch accessibility checking (\tool_brickfield\task\bulk_process_courses).
  3. Task to check for any invalid checkids (\tool_brickfield\task\checkid_validation).
  4. Process content analysis requests (\tool_brickfield\task\process_analysis_requests).
  5. Update site summarydata (\tool_brickfield\task\update_summarydata).
The Accessibility Toolkits Scheduled tasks

Scheduled tasks and timings

The default timing settings for these three tasks are not identical, they are set to run every 5,  5, 5, 5 and 50 minutes respectively.

However, we do recommend altering these default scheduled task timing intervals to a more frequent run where possible, such as every 1, 2 or 5 minutes, especially at the start of the usage of the toolkit, so that processing and results gathering is done at a faster and more noticeable pace.

Running scheduled tasks manually

If your Moodle site is enabled to run tasks inpidually from this page, using the Run now link, you must run them in this exact order, and all of them once, each time, to mirror a normal cron general run. This is due to the separate tasks being in an established progression, one from each other.

However, if you are running cron as one single call, such as running /admin/cron.php from the browser, or running cron as CLI, or running cron normally, the precise ordering of these three tasks is already organised for you by the Toolkit plugin.

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